My Story
Robert Jameson grew up on a farm in South Australia, educated at the Keith Area School and a boarder at Adelaide’s Scotch College.
On realising that farming life was not for him, he moved to Melbourne where he worked part-time at various menial jobs while studying at Monash University, graduating with a BA degree, majoring in history and politics.
He travelled Europe, south east Asia and North America for 2 years, returning in 1977 with a Filipina wife and stepdaughter. After 3 years with TAA in Melbourne he spent 5 years with the AMP Society, winning numerous achievement awards.
Discontented with city life, he returned to South Australia where he and his wife ran a country roadhouse shop for 6 years, experiencing some tough times. He found the best way of keeping his stepdaughter studying law at Adelaide University was to work part-time shearing sheep.
ROBERT JAMESON is an amateur scientist and writer:
Being profoundly dyslexic Robert Jameson never thought he would one day be the author of seven books. However, in 1993 he experienced a consciousness download that changed his life. Robert says it was like a voice inside his head telling him to investigate the possibility that our human consciousness (our souls) are the reproductive cells of a creator being.
While this idea initially seemed too far-fetched he started to connect more and more dots. With the help of a computer that converts text to speech Robert painstakingly researched and documented his thesis.
Robert's book, "The Bali to Bairnsdale Alignment and Earth’s Reproductive Chakra", was the subject of his talk at the 2020 Cosmic Consciousness Conference at Yulara, Northern Territory, Australia. Robert was again invited to speak at the Cosmic Consciousness Conference held on Norfolk Island, in September 2022. For more information about the Cosmic Consciousness Conferences see:
At these conferences Robert spoke about ancient energy lines from around the world, their spiritual and cultural significance and how these phenomena should influence the way we think about the living planet that is our home. He tells about how his research led him to the work of Robert Coon and how Coon’s Female Great Dragon line intersects Uluru. Robert speaks about how the Bali to Bairnsdale Alignment was found and how this remarkable energy line intersects so many places of cultural, geological and historical significance on the Australian continent.Robert also discusses his belief that energy lines here on earth are but a tiny part of a universal energy grid that interconnects life throughout the cosmos. He tells how magnetic fields are threaded through space in all directions, and water carrying comets, are evidence that conscious life on earth is part of a far greater cosmological living entity.

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Dear Reader,
Not all who read my books will regard the God Gametes treatise as credible or share my belief in a creator-being. And I realise many are justifiably suspicious of people who express unconventional views on what might be our meaning and purpose in life.
I would therefore like to clarify some important issues…
First is that my books do not attempt to promote a religious faith nor seek to recruit people to any community of believers. I do not claim to have had a revelation from God, to be his messenger, to be called to do his work, to lead his people or to be motivated by any such aspirations.